It may
only be February, but in the bird world the urge to set up territory and foster
a new generation is already strong. Between serving happy customers intent on
making the most of another unseasonably mild and sunny day, I spent my shift at
RSPB Strumpshaw Fen watching the various water birds on the Broad go about
their business of staking a claim to a slice of this wetland oasis.
lag geese were present in good numbers and already paired ready to breed. Most
were content to idle about, but some were keen to exert their dominance over
any of their kind that ventured too close. The gander would then approach the
trespassers with neck stretched out and held low, honking away for all his
worth. Both on the water and on the land the threatening performance was
enacted mostly without issue, however on a few occasions birds would decide to
square up and have a tussle and then the feathers would fly and the water would
Shoveler too were engaged in a spell of ‘You looking at my bird?’ kind
of aggression. Again it was just the drakes that blustered and bluffed their
way around the shallows. The females just sat there and watched, talking about
nest building and how last year’s ducklings were getting along. They let the
men fight it out, shrugged once the skirmish was over and flew off with their
mate; victor or otherwise it didn’t seem to matter much. Gadwall joined in the
act with drake birds doing their best to give their antagonist a good ducking
(sorry). Shelduck do tend to get a touch more feisty with the drakes having a
pretty good set too (saw a pair tussling at Tower Hide last week), but all
things considered these were relatively tame affairs compared to the real
fighting engaged in by the coots.
the coots were the ones that meant business. Their temperament at this season
is akin to an ardent football fan that has just seen his team get a right
stuffing ‘Look at me again mate and I’ll have you’ they seem to say. Just
outside Reception two pairs of these black balls of fury were periodically
disputing the boundary of this year’s breeding zone. A line across the water
had been delineated, one that was naturally invisible to me but meant
everything to these touchy creatures. Whereas the other water birds would leave
the sparring to the men folk, in the world of the coot there is no sexual
preferences. Here we have true equality with all partners ready and able to
wade in. I watched one bully, possibly male, possibly a member of the fairer (?)
sex, take exception to a pair of moorhens and a poor gadwall that in its
opinion ventured too close. It would shoot towards this perceived enemy
creating an impressive bow wave as it frantically attempted to maim the
intruder. Threatened with this undeserved burst of anger, the poor victim would
scuttle or fly away in alarm. Being sorted out by one of your own species is
one thing, but a coot? Really!
they reserve their deepest vitriol for members of their own kind. Pairs would
face each other beak to beak, wings raised much in the manner of an annoyed
swan. They would tentatively prod forward attempting to push the boundary, but
such cheek was always met with a determined rebuff. A lot of the time these
disputes would end peacefully with one pair turning their puffed up backs to
the other pair and swimming back to their side of the broad, but sometimes
something happened to cause a fight to break out. Watch out, this could get nasty!
With the naked eye all that could really be seen was a violent splashing and
flurry of feet and wings. With the aid of a camera with a fast shutter speed
the true nature of these bouts can be appreciated. The birds really do get down
to some serious rucking, either trying to drown the other or rake him/her with
some fearsome claws. And the hen birds get stuck in too, coming to the aid of
their partners and whacking the intruder with the avian equivalent of a rolling
pin. It makes for dynamic viewing with some of the contortions of the
individuals quite startling. Amazingly there seem to be few injuries, even when
up to eight birds become involved in a mass brawl. It will all settle down once
these initial bouts are over. The birds will build a nest in a territory they
consider suitable and large enough to provide for their offspring. But for now
in this perhaps false spring, it doesn’t half provide some good entertainment.