The sun rose as a deep orange ball casting its welcome rays
of golden light on the scene around me; dew laden spiders webs festooning every
bush, the dead heads of myriad reed stems waving gently in the post dawn breeze,
and…….no hang on, that’s not it! Let’s picture ourselves instead insulated in
thick fleece waiting to undertake a swallowtail survey in the middle of the
morning, in the middle of Broadland in the middle of June. Cold, grey, lowering cloud and a chill wind
powering from the north. There would be no butterflies today; any
self-respecting winged insect would be tucked away in deep cover awaiting more
clement conditions. There was no option but to call the whole thing off –
better luck next week perhaps.
This, regrettably, has been a feature of spring with its
disproportionate number of cool, cloud shrouded days. Even when the sun has poked
its nose out from behind thick curtains of stratus in an attempt to warm us for
a spell, it has often been thwarted by having to compete with a cruel breeze.
Surprisingly the conditions do not seem to have had a tremendous effect on the
general emergence of butterflies and other day-flying insects, but it does mean
the number of days you can reliably find them on the wing has been limited. Whether
overall numbers have been affected remains to be seen.
It wasn’t bad all week though and last Sunday I had the
pleasure of helping out the Trinity Broads Partnership at an open day organised
by local farmers. Our pitch, reached after a mile of driving along wet woodland
tracks where beds of yellow flag iris danced merrily in the dappled June sunlight,
was set alongside an artificially created irrigation pond. Or perhaps small
lake would be an apt description. Here rafts of yellow lilies formed dense carpets
rippling now and again by the antics of courting fish beneath. A piping
kingfisher streaked, dazzling blue and orange, low over the untainted water
whilst a hobby hawked dragonflies a few metres from where we stood. On more
than one occasion this masked hunter came so close that we could make out every
detail of its plumage; its boldly streaked underside, deep orange-red
‘trousers’ and a bright glinting eye able to see the bold darting of a
dragonfly from a distance of 100 metres or more. This apex predator was to stay
with us all day even when gangs of boisterous children were running screaming
by the waterside. The object of our
participation was to inform the general public about the work the Partnership
is undertaking in the area and to raise awareness of the fascinating wealth of
plants and creatures they live beside. The kingfisher and hobby helped.
Unseen Broadland
Hobby Watching
The day after the ill-fated swallowtail episode, I did
manage to complete another butterfly survey around the site of Essex and
Suffolk Waterworks. An excellent site this, private and largely unmolested.
Ideal habitat for many creatures seeking a quiet space to go about their
business. NWT has been working with the water company to persuade them to leave
areas of the open grassland here unmown. To prove this strategy pays dividends
we need to find butterflies. I found three. A poor return for an hour, but this
was again due to the cool conditions and I know for sure that many more do use
these areas which now stand proud with drifts of ox-eye daisies, red campion
and a range of grasses. Although it was too cold for much butterfly activity
there were damselflies; I waded through a cloud of blue-tailed flying low
amongst protective herbage. Some of these dainty, fragile short-lived hunters
clustered around the edge of a large leaf, close to the ground and sheltered.
Oedemera nobilis on Ox-eye Daisy
Mating Shieldbugs
Blue-tailed Damselflies
Friday dawned to herald a momentous
day for NWT with the formal opening of the Simon Aspinall Education Centre. The
distinguished guest who would be performing the ceremonials was none other than
Sir David Attenborough, icon, legend and inspiration for so many people
worldwide. Who has not enjoyed the magnificent documentaries this man has made for
TV in a career spanning over 60 years? His vision in the arena of wildlife film
making has transformed the way we look at the natural world and luckily for us
all, there's no sign of him stopping. So glad I was able to attend, see and
listen to the great man, catch up, however briefly, with friends and ex
colleagues, (happily mostly one and the same), and be part of the event. The
wine was tasty.
And so to Saturday and a stint at NWTHolme Dunes leading a photographic workshop. Only a single paying customer (I
don't get paid!) but that was ok by me. Despite the occasional downpour and
murky atmosphere we had a very enjoyable couple of hours, me and this
delightful lady, scrutinising the flower cloaked dunes and discussing various
ways in which to photograph the various mosses, lichens, campions and trefoils
carpeting this stretch of the North Norfolk coast. It really is quite amazing
what you can find if you are scrambling around on your hands and knees, it
literally adds a whole new perspective to your view of the world. And naturally
when you concentrate your mind and use your eyes you can sometimes see the
world afresh. We even managed to find a small group of wonderful bee orchids,
unassuming plants despite their bright colours, and something I've never actually
seen before. There were small creatures here too; immature grasshoppers,
snails, small flies and aphids being tended by their master ants. Later the
moth trap provided an opportunity for a few close up shots of interesting
species, small elephant hawk moth and white ermine, whilst a rather gorgeous
clouded buff, a moth of moor and heath, caused a real stir of excitement being
an unusual catch hereabouts. To round off the session we sat bedraggled in one
of the hides watching even more bedraggled reed warblers feeding their young in
a patch of reeds close-to.
White Campion
Bee Orchid
Pine Flowers
Small Elephant Hawkmoth
White Ermine
Black-headed Gull
Reed Warbler
A busy,
tiring but very fulfilling week. I must get round to those nagging painting
& decorating tasks sometime before Christmas.
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