Life is tough if you're a male bird vying for a mate; it can get
physical. Very. I spend every Wednesday volunteering at Cley Marshes and this
week in the most welcome rays of a late winter sun the birds were getting
First it was the marsh harriers. The resident pair are in the
process of setting up home in a patch of reeds they have made their own for the
last three years. Both birds are recognisable for their quite extreme plumage;
the female being splendidly bright and well-marked and the male being almost
uniform dark without any discernible wing patterning. But today an interloper
appeared in the territory, another male, and he was not welcome. True to form
it was the mature and experienced female bird that saw him off, rising with speed
to intercept his intrusion with talons poised to strike. The imposter didn't
linger and after a brief show of bravado continued on his way.
The Players: The Intruding Male |
The Players: The Resident Dark Male |
The Players: The Lovely Resident Female 'Blondie' |
The Interception |
Then the shelducks. I counted about 50 of these boldly patterned,
goose-sized wildfowl inhabiting the scrapes. Nearly all were paired up and
inevitably in such a confined space squabbles broke out. These confrontations
which are preceded by a rapid cackling emitted by the protagonist are a common
feature of spring. Most amount to nothing of import; no more than the
equivalent of a squaring up between Premiership footballers, but sometimes, and
more frequently as the mating urge really kicks in, they can become a touch
more meaningful. On these occasions pairs give chase to each other with much
splashing and whirring of wings. The drake birds will launch at each other and
come to blows. Quite spectacular when you can freeze the action.
Later in the afternoon I was intrigued by what I at first thought
must be a large mammal bathing in one of the pools. Closer inspection showed
this bedraggled mass to be a pair of grey lag geese locked together in an
intense duel. The birds must have been fighting for some time as their plumage
was muddied and waterlogged. It seemed a complete stalemate, but eventually
they released their grips upon one another and broke apart. The victor wasted
no time in chasing the 2nd placed bird away, although quite how they could tell
who had won this particular brawl is anyone's guess.
There's Two Birds There Somewhere |
Fight Over |
There were other milder and less dramatic rituals taking place
between rival lapwings, dunnocks, little egrets and skylarks, but none quite as
physical as those mentioned above. So, the sap is certainly rising and there
will be many more skirmishes between various species before things settle down.
It does make for an interesting time though and allows us to witness behaviour
not seen at any other time of year.
Lovely. Keep on troshin my son
ReplyDeleteWill do!